And I am delighted to share my unique chronic pain journey with you in hopes for some self reflection that it is possible for a healthy recovery within your whole system one step at a time.
I had a well balanced lifestyle with a plethora of activities socially, super athletic, a bustling group of many friends who were my family.
Threw my whole life into a standstill. My whiplash was misdiagnosed significantly and a 6 plus year trail of Chronic Pain became my new life. Even with the typical western medical doctors and a team of regular chiro, physio and massage, my whole body continued to tighten up. Disheartening experiences of deep tissue massage, rolfing method and many IMS sessions left me with more tears and more chronic tension. Nothing worked to release the cycle of held trauma and damage in my whole body.
My breaking moment was when my holistic therapist recommended a NUCCA professional. Within 2 sessions inside one week, my pain shifted from an 8.5/10 to approximately a 5/10. This was a golden moment. To this day I still maintain a proactive health regime semi-annually.
Light Touch Therapies were my main therapies for supporting chronic tension, due to my nervous system being stuck in hyper-arousal or known as 'constant alert'. This meant I had glimpses of levels of pain management; (3/10). With no Health Insurance Plan, commitment to cumulative light touch therapy was the most important decision I made. I took charge of my health regime, with cut backs of 60% to financial and social outings.
I regained the natural rhythms of my body slowly, over many many years of peeling the layers of held tissue and cellular trauma that no medical doctor ever spoke about. This is my shared experience and why I am so passionate about supporting others with similar symptoms, fears, diminished confidence and lowered self-esteem. I have been there too.
Light Touch therapeutic modalities are of hundreds and hundreds of years in the making. We are in an era filled with new studies, leading Science based research and experiential findings for pain management.
Listen to what your body is whispering to you and allow your mind to sit in the background to observe the positive outcome of a light touch practice; professional services and self-care tools.
Imagine the shifts of your daily living circumstances, enhancing your spirit and a life with more freedom to move physically with improved sleep habits and so much more.
I look forward to hearing from you, so we can facilitate a healthy regime to suit your lifestyle. I take into account all aspects of your daily routine and habits, with suggestions to manifesting your thoughts, your physical posture and alignment, to setting daily goals and observing your inner challenges.
Join me, take your next steps ... One step at a time as a measurement for success!
As a compassionate, innovative Registered Yoga Teacher as well a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Somatic Movement Coach, Thai Yoga Massage & Sound Practitioner, Virginia has facilitated and held space for clients to thrive towards a more genuine, & inner relationship with their bodies through Light Touch Therapy techniques, in Alberta and BC.
Virginia’s private practice, currently in Calgary, supports natural shifts & healing of the mind and body on all levels emotionally and cellular by accessing health within your Nervous System.
Virginia strongly believes in integrating a few light touch practice styles to address the root issues of whole body interaction.
Helping guide them through their journey to better recovery, transformation and also so they understand that health is a deeply rich and soulful journey that is intricately intertwined with one’s life.
Her Craniosacral Therapy empowers your nervous system and brain to access a harmonious state of well-being offering a natural biodynamic process to heal more readily and optimize long term function, thus reassuring for sensitivities with touch. Thai Bodywork practice involves the body’s natural energy meridians via foundational acupressure theory and organ/muscle relationships, with applied reflexology techniques on visceral contact points which encompass the whole body, thus relieving chronic pain and tension.
Movement based practice comes into play to ease rigidity, tension and stiffness to reset how your brain connects and responds to the new processes, thus effective for whiplash and pain management. Working with quality essential oils & essences often positively enhance areas within the sensory system, producing feel good responses as the nerves are in close proximity to the brain, organs and vertebrae. Sound Bath sessions are a gem all on their own, resonating/increasing our vibration within energy centers, organs, our tissue & fluids. One enters into a deep, yogic like meditation where frequency shifts us beyond belief.
She is passionate about individuals seeking personal growth and the importance of holistic health.
"I was impressed with Virginia's sensitive approach to my emotional needs of being a first time mother and professional. She delicately suggested that combining 2 of her light touch modalities were best for my session; to help calm my nervous system, get the deep rest I was desperate for and to support lowering my stress on all levels. I came out feeling very refreshed, collected, understood and grounded after 90 minute UC Personalized session. What a blessing. - Tailor, 31 year old
"I am a terrible sleeper, wake up 3-4 times per night. After a 30 minute Bio Craniosacral Therapy session with Virginia, I realized the next morning that I had slept through the night. Thanks Virginia for the treatment and the much needed rest!" - M.A., 33 year old - Psychologist
Is to create awareness through a cumulative set of Therapeutic, Holistic and Somatic wellness practices as a complementary light touch modality, addressing the Integrative mind/body system as a whole. Your pain management experience is individual to your needs and your success is determined by the process of unwinding and releasing held patterns within your system over a committed journey for recovery.
Is to be inspirational for healing & learning, expanding knowledge & understanding by the means of moving energy within the body via light touch techniques for recovery. Our vision is to hold space with pure intention, for a wealth of gratitude, a generosity of spirit and an open neutral mind, connecting one another through community.
We empower you with new understanding and sense of inner awareness, reconnecting your body, mind and spirit with tools for daily life. We offer an open approach with our clients, accessing Integrative Light Touch self-care techniques, geared to meet your comfort levels and where you are in your journey.
"We have a built in, innate field for energy to move within.
The Earth element rounds and heightens its' energy, shifting support and hosts a grounding quality.
Metal element is concentrated energy; about finding your internal compass.
Water element moves into a flow of coherence and a quality of floating energy for release and renewal.
Where Wood element establishes movement with the rise and creative growth of energy.
While Fire element focuses on generating direction; expanding and rising in our vibrational source.
Emerging yet another shift toward a sense of completion, so a natural form enables our energy field to cycle once again."
( Earth - Metal - Water - Wood - Fire ) - Virginia M
We are grateful for your inquiry as to our Holistic Wellness Practice. Let us know how we may answer any curiosities!